A Will may be the most important document you will ever write, as it allows you to say who will receive what you own when you die.
By leaving a gift in your Will to The Rosemary Foundation, you will help secure the future of our services.
You can choose whether to leave a set cash amount or a percentage of your estate, this can either be as a restricted or unrestricted legacy:
Unrestricted Legacies
These are the most beneficial ways for us to make the most out of the money you leave us. It will allow us to put the money to use in areas where it is most needed.
Please consider this option first as although we intend to do what we do forever, if we have a Restricted Legacy for paying Nurses Salaries but aren’t able to raise enough money to cover our other costs then we become a bit stuck!

Restricted Legacies
A Restricted Legacy is a sum of money that you leave us to use for a certain purpose, for example covering Nurse Salaries, helping to pay for our Counselling service, or even buying the coffee’s.
If there is something specific that you would like us to use your money towards this is the way you can have your say.
For more information on how to leave a gift in your Will it is always best to speak to your chosen Solicitor. If for any reason this is not possible then please contact our Fundraising Manager, Wendy Smith wendy@rfpetersfield.org or call 01730 266329.
‘Thank you for considering leaving The Rosemary Foundation a gift in your Will”
This is a hospice at home charity based in Petersfield and they survive on donations alone. They are absolutely wonderful and deserve every penny you are able to spare.
Family, Alresford