Our Mission
Our mission is to provide the best Hospice at Home care for patients suffering from cancer or other life-limiting conditions.
The care that is given reflects the wishes of the individual and may include help with personal care and a sitting service which is available day and night.
As the patient’s condition deteriorates, care may be increased with nurses visiting several times a day and often in partnership with existing services and support mechanisms, working alongside and in close collaboration with primary care teams.
- Counselling is available to both service user and carer and remains available to carers following the death of the service user, as part of a planned bereavement support programme.
- This service is available 24/7 365 days of the year operating from Petersfield and covering surrounding towns and villages. The Rosemary Foundation strives to meet the wishes and honour the unique value of each service user and carer.
- Care is planned in close consultation with those receiving the care and monitored regularly.
- All nursing staff receive regular training as part of a planned training program and encouraged to continue in their professional development
- We support the community nursing team’s and GP’s who remain the managers of care that is provided.

There is always a Rosemary Foundation trained nurse on call, day and night.
At the Rosemary Foundation the percentage of our patients who we support to fulfil their wish to be cared for at home is consistently above 81%.
The Rosemary Foundation